Qube Office Interiors

      Project Management


Qube Office Interiors will appoint a dedicated Project Director for the life of each design and build project, taking it from CONCEPT to SOLUTION.

The Project Director is responsible for the delivery of the agreed Design portfolio, and will work closely with the client’s representatives to ensure the solution is:

  • to specification;
  • on budget;
  • on time;

Qube will provide the nominated client representatives with a secure online Project review facility, where the client can access all documentation, project plans, payment and delivery schedules, and site meeting notes. This facility enables our client constant access to the project data.

If we undertake the refurbishment of existing premises, clients can be assured the Project Director will ensure minimum disruption to the continuance of normal day-to-day activities, co-ordinating out of hours’ access with site clearance for the business day ahead.

If Qube undertakes a relocation project, we will schedule and manage the entire process to ensure minimum disruption to your business.

The key element of a successful completion will be the daily monitoring of the schedule and progress thereon, and the continuous review of project milestones.

Qube Office Interiors © 2008